Mongla Correspondent: on August 6, some miscreants ambushed the house of Nirudesh Motaleb Jamaddar in the area adjacent to TA Faruque School and College and looted the house. In this robbery, goods worth around 8 to 9 lakhs including cash, two and a half loads of gold, camera equipment, expensive home furniture were taken away. During a sudden attack by the miscreants, Motaleb Jamaddar’s son businessman Matiur Rahman Rana escaped but beat and injured his sister. As the whole family survived the attack by the miscreants, a Quran Khatam and Dua ceremony was organized on Thursday, August 15 at noon as a sign of Jan. At that time, when businessman Matiur Rahman asked Rana, he said that on August 6, some miscreants ransacked my house. In this robbery, cash, two and a half loads of gold, camera equipment, expensive furniture and goods worth about 8 to 9 lakhs were taken away. He and his family know that he is alive and this is organized as a blessing to God. It is known that his father Motaleb Jamaddar did not have two hands. In 2000, he bought six plots of land in front of T, A Faruque Secondary School and was living with his children until 2003 and running a mill called Bismillah Flour for them when he suddenly became despondent. The family claims that these miscreants can make my father disappear. I want it to be judged through a proper investigation. Later in his own house, his family members passed away on August 6, so the event was concluded by organizing the Quran Khatam and Dua ceremony as a celebration of Jan.